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patent agent
patent agent
  Mechanical and Electrical Department
  Department of Chemistry
  Litigation Department
Process Management 
Trademark and Copyright
Tianjin Branch Office
Mechanical and Electrical Department 您现在的位置:网站首页> Professionals> patent agent > Mechanical and Electrical Department
Chuncheng LIU
职位:Patent Attorney, Trademark Attorney, Administrative Litigation Representative, Civil Litigation Repr
擅长领域:Patent (machinery, mechanical and electrical, material, metallurgy), trademark, copyright, patent invalidation, patent infringement analysis, patent litigation.
Xiangkun ZHANG
职位:Patent Attorney, Administrative Litigation Representative, Civil Litigation Representative, Ph.D.
擅长领域:Patent (machinery, mechanical and electrical, material, metallurgy), patent invalidation, patent infringement analysis, patent litigation
Chunyan LIU
职位:Patent Attorney, Trademark Attorney, Ph.D.
擅长领域:Patent (semiconductor, communication, home electronic appliances, medical apparatus, battery, ceramics), trademark, patent invalidation, patent infringement analysis.
Hongchao CAO
职位:Patent Engineer, Bachelor.
擅长领域:machinery, electrical power and equipment, electronic;Working with the realms of machinery, electrical power and equipment, electronic and so on; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application, patent mining, patent analysis, r
Hongbin LIU
职位:Patent Attorney, Administrative Litigation representative, Civil Litigation representative, Bachelor
擅长领域:Patent (machinery, biology, materials, metallurgy, medicine, agriculture, food)application document writing, Chinese and English translation, response to examination opinions,
Xiaoyan Liu
职位:patent agent
擅长领域:Focusing on the translation and proofreading of Japanese and English patents related to mechanical and electrical engineering, responding to examination opinions, reviewing, invalidating, and handling litigation cases
Hongjian Gao
职位:Patent Attorney, Bachelor
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical and electrical fields, with much practice and experience in patent application document writing, patent mining, 0A response, review, invalidity, infringement analysis, and other aspects.
职位:Patent Agent Bachelor
擅长领域:Mechanical structure and construction, such as refrigeration, rail transit, metallurgy and environmental protection. I have rich practical experience in writing patent application documents, responding to OA, reviewing, invalidation, and other aspects.
职位:Patent Engineer, Master
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical, electrochemical and so on; with much practice and experience in translating between Chinese, English, and Japanese, replying office actions, patent reviews, nullifications and so on.
职位:Patent Engineer, Bachelor
擅长领域:Mechanical, metallurgical, and other fields. I have rich practical experience in patent application document accuracy, OA response, reexamination, invalidity, public opinion, and other aspects.
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