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patent agent
patent agent
  Mechanical and Electrical Department
  Department of Chemistry
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Mechanical and Electrical Department 您现在的位置:网站首页> Professionals> patent agent > Mechanical and Electrical Department
Hongjian Gao
更新日期:2023/5/22 9:27:29  浏览:758

Patent Attorney, Bachelor

Mr. GAO entered intellectual property field in 2017.
2018.9- Beijing Wuzhouyanghe & Partners 
2017.9-2018.8 Beijing Power Patent Agency
2017.2-2017.8 Nangong Jingqiang Connecting Rod Co., Ltd.
2015.7-2017.2 Hebei Hualipjing Rubber Technology Co., Ltd.
2011.9-2015.6 North China University of Science and Technology, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation

Practice Area: Working with the realms of mechanical and electrical fields, with much practice and experience in patent application document writing, patent mining, 0A response, review, invalidity, infringement analysis, and other aspects.
Working Languages: Chinese, English 

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