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patent agent
patent agent
  Mechanical and Electrical Department
  Department of Chemistry
  Litigation Department
Process Management 
Trademark and Copyright
Tianjin Branch Office
Mechanical and Electrical Department 您现在的位置:网站首页> Professionals> patent agent > Mechanical and Electrical Department
Xiaoyan Liu
更新日期:2023/5/22 9:46:22  浏览:751

Patent Agent


Education background and work experience

2012-2016 Beijing Liande Law Firm, Patent Engineer/Patent Agent

2010-2012: Ruisa integrated circuit design (Beijing) Co., Ltd., IC design engineer

2008-2010: IC Verification Engineer, Suzhou Branch of Renesar integrated circuit design (Beijing) Co., Ltd

2006-2008 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Japanese, second degree

2004-2008 China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Electronic information engineering, Bachelor of Engineering


Business expertise: Entered the field of intellectual property in 2012, focusing on the translation and proofreading of mechanical and electrical Japanese English patents, response to examination opinions, review, invalidation, and handling of litigation cases.


Working languages: Chinese, Japanese, English

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