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The management philosophy of WUZHOUYANGHE pursues integrity, professional, celerity, and high quality.

Integrity lies in three aspects, i.e. communication, ability and charge. As to communication integrity, we insist in faithfully reporting to client and positively find effective solution when any problem occurs and never deceive client and cover up the problems; as to ability integrity, we accept the entrust of clients based on the practice ability and the handling ability of ours; as to the charge integrity, we will clearly let clients know the relevant service charge rates within the industries concerned.

Professional will be attained through the service group in charge of relevant clients, which are good at the technical field concerned and are well up in relevant intellectual property affairs, and will be managed by a partner, so as to obtain professional in technique and intellectual property. 

Celerity will be performed to carry out the affair entrusted by the clients and send a report to the clients as soon as possible under the prescribed operating procedure and the clients’ instruction, reply any feedback from the clients with a detailed comments in the short time limit, one day in the case of simple affairs.

High quality will be assured by the following aspect. First, the affairs from the clients will be handled by the person/team which is good at the technical field concerned and is well up in relevant intellectual property affairs. Second, the affairs from the clients will be strictly handled under the instruction from the clients with an object that a detailed analysis and strategy for technical portion and legal portion will be presented to the clients for the optimal benefit of the clients. Third, new changes in legal policy and practical operation in intellectual property in domestic or oversea regions will be closely traced and forwarded to the clients as soon as possible with professional advices so as to reduce or eliminate externally potential effect on the client effect. Fourth, quality management system, such as in translating and reviewing, drafting in Chinese/foreign language, responding an office action, submitting reexamination request, and so on, will be established and gradually perfected, time limit supervision will be performed through a dedicated application and a manual check.


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