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patent agent
patent agent
  Mechanical and Electrical Department
  Department of Chemistry
  Litigation Department
Process Management 
Trademark and Copyright
Tianjin Branch Office
Mechanical and Electrical Department 您现在的位置:网站首页> Professionals> patent agent > Mechanical and Electrical Department
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical engineering (automobile, printer, display panel, textile process and so on), electricity (mobile phone, air conditioner, display, robot, drone and so on) and so on;
Jing Meng
职位:Patent process management and patent consultation
擅长领域:Entered the field of intellectual property in 2009. He has rich practical experience in patent process management, patent consulting and OA.
职位:Patent Attorney,Bachelor
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical engineering, automation, power electronics and so on; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application, replying office actions, patent reviews, nullifications and so on.
Jianwei WANG
职位:Patent Engineer, Bachelor
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical engineering, electromechanical, chemistry, metallurgy and so on; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application, processing management and so on.
Xueqin, HOU
职位:Patent Attorney
擅长领域:Began the career of intellectual property in 2016, with nearly 6-year’s practice and experience in patent agency, specialized in patent retrieval and writing in the realms of mechanical engineering, and also the early search and writing
职位:Patent Engineer, Bachelor
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical structure, electromechanical control, display panel structure, semiconductor structure and so on; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application, replying office actions
Zhenyu LI
职位:Patent Engineer, Bachelor
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, communication engineering and so on; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application and replying office actions.
Yanheng, XU
职位:Patent Engineer, Bachelor
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanical engineering, precise instrument, automotive engineering, aerocraft and so on; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application, replying office actions, patent reviews, patent searching and so on.
Guiqin ZHANG
职位:Patent Attorney
擅长领域:Working with the realms of mechanic, electromechanics and so on; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application, replying office actions, patent reviews, nullifications, public opinions and so on.
Wei MA
职位:Patent Engineer,Bachelor
擅长领域:Working with the realms of power generation, vehicle engineering, software communication; with much practice and experience in writing for patent application, replying office actions, patent reviews, identification of infringement and so on.
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